Depiction of Health. 2011;2(2): 34-39.
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Health Information/Library

Review Article

An Overview on the Concept of Information Literacy and Its Skills

Zahra Gholami 74, Vahideh Zarea Gavgani 75*
*Corresponding Author: Email: vgavgani@gmail.com


This study reviews the literature to elaborate the concept of information literacy, its significance and application in academic and educational systems. Information literacy (IL) is known as a strategic tool for any citizen in knowledge-based societies and systems. Every member of a competitive and information-based system and society needs to be empowered with IL skills. It is not just a concern of a specific group or people. Therefore, this paper is aimed at elaborating the concept of IL in various levels of society, specially the academic systems.
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ePublished: 21 Sep 2011
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