Background and Objectives: One of the main issues in hospitals is assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of performance. For this purpose, many indicators are offered which are known as performance indicators, and we can assess hospitals' situation in terms of productivity by assessing and comparing it with standards. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the performance indicators in compare to the standards in educational hospitals in Ahvaz, Iran.
Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study. Performance indicators related to obstetrics and gynecology wards in two educational hospitals of Ahvaz city were collected and compared with standard. A questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: The results showed that most indicators, such as the number of midwife per delivery bed, rooming-in of baby and mother, and access to the patient information via HIS were favorable.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that some of performance indicators are not favorable and proper action is required to improve these indicators.