Depiction of Health. 2020;11(2): 94-97.
doi: 10.34172/doh.2020.10
  Abstract View: 2574
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The Necessity of Knowledge Management in Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis

Morteza Heidari 1* ORCID logo

1 Spiritual Health Research Center, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: mortezaheidari.mh@gmail.com


The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, as an emerging disease brought about one of the most critical situations for the health care system. One of the most critical conditions placed facing the health care services’ system. The difficulty of managing this crisis, particularly with the special conditions of Iran, the unknown nature of the disease and the lack of sufficient experience, provided the arena for creativity and various innovations. These valuable experiences, if managed and turned into explicit knowledge, will provide valuable reserves for the Iranian and the world and health care system and neglect of explicit knowledge, it will lead to the loss of this enormous capital.

Citation: Heidari M. The Necessity of Knowledge Management in Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis. Depiction of Health. 2020; 11(2): 94-97.
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ePublished: 23 Jun 2020
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