Depiction of Health. 2012;3(1): 47-52.
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Health Information/Library

Original Article

A Review of Published Articles in the Field of Biomedical Nanotechnology in Medline Database during 2000-2010

Peyman Sheikhzade 146, Vahideh Zarea Gavgani 147*
*Corresponding Author: Email: Vgavgani@gmail.com


Background and objectives : Nanotechnology is a new technology which is increasingly used over the past decade. Due to its great significance, governments are tending to invest greatly on the research and development on nanotechnology in various sectors and aspects. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of biomedical nanotechnology publications over the past ten years (2010-2000) in Medline/ PubMed.

Material and Methods : This was a descriptive study. The Medline database was searched through PubMed with the ‘biomedical nanotechnology’ keyword and was limited to the years 2000 to 2010 with following tags: publication date, major and affiliation. The results of the search were analyzed with factors of the geographical distribution, countries, universities and colleges with a specific focus on Iranian publications. The proportion of Iranian publication was compared with the international publication to determine the rate of Iranian research and development activities in biomedical nanotechnology.

Results and Conclusions : The results of the study were presented using table and diagram. Iran was ranked the first among other Middle East countries with having 28 papers and among Iranian universities, the university of Tarbiat Modares presented the highest number of publications.

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ePublished: 20 Jun 2012
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