Depiction of Health. 2020;11(3): 298-299.
doi: 10.34172/doh.2020.37
  Abstract View: 862
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Policy Making


Corrigendum to: Priorities of Active Aging Policy in Iran

Zeinab Gholipour 1 ORCID logo, Mahmood Mahmoodi Majd Abadi Farahani 1* ORCID logo, Leila Riahi 1 ORCID logo, Kamran Hajinabi 1 ORCID logo

1 Department of Health Services Management, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: mahmoodim@tums.ac.ir


On the page 52 in engelish abstract and 53, in abstract section, line 5 and 55 column first paragraph, the method section of article the method of conducting is quantitative-qualitativeand in terms of time it is cross-sectional. The reliability of the questionnaires was determined through re-testing and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was .872% for the whole questionnaire and 85% correlation coefficient. In the present study, a researcher-made questionnaire based on a comparative study was used and 41 questions were asked.
In the following, in order to enter the stage of exploratory factor analysis, the adequacy of the data was first measured, for which the KMO Bartlett's test, which was 0.952, was used. 10% of the articles were coded by 3 people with a doctorate degree and work experience or research in the field of aging in the introductory stage, and the coefficient of agreement was 85%, and in the next stage, the whole sample was examined by one of them.
Also, in page 56 the title of Table 2 is "Results of Comparative Studies of Active Aging Management for Iran".
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ePublished: 22 Sep 2020
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