Depiction of Health. 2012;3(2): 31-37.
  Abstract View: 779
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Health Information/Library

Original Article

The Scope of Mobile Apps in Health Domain: Highlighting Applications Recommended by Known Organizations

Navideh Khodaei, Leila R Kalankesh*, Zeinab Sanamno
*Corresponding Author: Email: lrkalankesh@tbzmed.ac.ir


Background and objectives : With over one billion smartphones and 100 million tablets across the world, they can perform as a valuable tool in health care management and transform health care through using mobile applications. There are various medical apps in different areas for a variety of users and among these applications, some of them have been approved and recommended by well-known organizations.

Material and Methods : This is a descriptive-comparative study. This article reviews the mobile apps in health and medical domains developed or recommended by BMJ, NHS, CDC, AMA, Georgetown University, NLM, University of Ottawa, HHS, UCSF, and NYC.

Results : The results of this research are presented in terms of the organization developing or recommending the app, the applications’ scope, the usage category of the application and the apps’ users.

Conclusion : It seems that the organizations envisioning transformation of their services are the ones which recognize the impact of mobile technologies in this regard, particularly mobile apps.

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ePublished: 20 Sep 2012
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