Depiction of Health. 2012;3(3): 1-3.
  Abstract View: 670
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Justice in Health

Letter to Editor

Violence Against Health Care Workers: A Silent Problem

Vahideh Ghorbani sani, Fariba Heidari, Hossein Jabbari*
*Corresponding Author: Email: hosseinhosseinj@yahoo.com


Background and objectives: Considering the importance of process improvement and support system,we tried to take a step to clarify logistics processes and initiate quality improvement in health and nutrition faculty of Tabriz Medical Science University using process mapping and decision making matrix. Material and Methods: This study is qualitative and was done in 2012. The data were gathered by interview with those involving in the process and direct observation. In this study we clarified logistics processes of financial and administration deputy using block diagram and detailed flowchart. After clarifying the process, research team analyzed the data and proposed an improved way for process as a suggestive detailed flowchart. At the next stage we compared the processes in decision making matrix and finally the best option for intervention was chose between 10 worst functioned processes in decision making matrix of prioritization. Results: In this study we documented 35 processes using process mapping in general affairs, personnel affairs, secretariat, archive deputy, storage department, accounting, properties, services, supply and financial department. The accounting documenting process had the worst function according to comparison matrix and the purchase and supply process was selected as the best option of intervention. Conclusion: The research's results showed that most of the processes in this deputy have problems in theory and practice, and system improvement is in need of reforming which will improve quality and prevent organization sources to be wasted. Due to the multi department function of processes, the unity of departments and a qualified management is required for better reform.
Keywords: Medication Errors
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ePublished: 20 Dec 2012
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