Depiction of Health. 2013;4(2): 43-46.
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Health Information/Library

Review Article

A Short Review on Journal Impact Factor; Significance and Defects

Masoud Eisa Khajelou 287, Vahideh Zarea Gavgani 288*
*Corresponding Author: Email: Vgavgani@gmail.com


Impact Factor (IF) is considered as one of the most common subjects in academic environments. Individuals who would like to publish their productions and/or research results confront with various indicators, brands and labels that indicate relative importance, academic discipline and quality of journals. Diversity of the indicators induces confusion to select applicable journals and often, the authors would not be able to distinguish IF, ISI and their relations with the acceptance of the journal. Meanwhile, they have difficulties to find IF. Hence, this short paper aimed to provide useful information for authors to familiarize them with the concept of IF.
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ePublished: 11 Sep 2013
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