Depiction of Health. 2011;2(1): 9-15.
  Abstract View: 621
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Epidemiology and the Burden of Diseases in Health Care System

Original Article

The Use of Control Charts in Neonatal Death Monitoring

Mostafa Farah Bakhsh*
*Corresponding Author: Email: mfarahbakhsh@gmail.com


Background and Objectives : Data are managed in two approaches in health information system: Data–led and Action–led. In action–led approach, data are used in process improvement. In most of health facilities, functional data are not used in a proper way. This study aimed to explore the use of control charts in neonatal death monitoring.

Materials and Methods : This study was conducted for designing a practical model of control charts in primary health care. The live births number and neonatal death number were gathered monthly in a two-year period from 19 districts. Data were analyzed in Excel software and control chart was depicted in SPSS 16.

Results : Neonatal mortality rate was 12.37 and 10.7 in 1000 live births respectively in 2007 and 2008 in rural population of East Azerbaijan province. Average of index was 11.54 in a two-year period with standard deviation of 2.75. Monthly NMR was 5.18 -15.93.

Conclusion : Opportunities are missed for an on-time correction of causes with an annual calculation of NMR. Control charts are very effective in organizational learning and process improvements. These charts convert the data into information and knowledge. The use of control charts in primary health care shows errors and problems on-time.

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ePublished: 20 Jun 2011
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