Depiction of Health. 2014;5(2): 27-31.
  Abstract View: 679
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Quality of Health Care Delivery

Original Article

Assessing the Quality of Worklife of General Practitioners of Health Centers in Tabriz District: 2013

Ali Janati, Ramin Sabbaghi, Javad Ghoddousinejad*, Elham Baghban Baghestan
*Corresponding Author: Email: Javad6463@yahoo.com


Background and objectives: The quality of physicians’ work life is one of the important issues in human resource management in healthcare. This study aimed to investigate the QWL of physicians of Tabriz district health centers in 2013.

Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study which was conducted in 2013 among physicians of Tabriz district health centers. Walton’s standard questionnaire was used which has 8 dimensions: fair payment, safe workplace, growth opportunity, law abiding, social dependency, total space of work and life, integrity, and development capabilities.

Results: Mean scores of QWL of studied physicians was below average and is not in a suitable situation. Among the 8 dimensions, total space of work and life had a better mean score while fair payment had the worst situation. Results showed that single and native physicians have better mean scores. There was no significant relationship between the rest of demographic variables and the level of physicians QWL (p=0.05).

Conclusion : Results of this study indicated low levels of QWL among physicians which show a need for more attention of managers and policy makers about the QWL of physicians and health care staff.

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ePublished: 11 Sep 2014
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