Depiction of Health. 2014;5(3): 5-12.
  Abstract View: 833
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Public Health

Original Article

Survey Oral Health Status and its Effective Factors among Primary School Boy Students of Paveh City via DMFT, CF and Gingivitis Indicators in 2013

Farid Gharibi*, Mohammad Asghari-Jafarabadi, Behnam Amini Daghalian
*Corresponding Author: Email: Gharibihsa@gmail.com


Background and objectives : Oral health is one of the main challenges in many societies. Therefore, this study aims to survey oral health status and its effective factors among primary school boy students of Paveh city via DMFT, CF and gingivitis indicators in 2013.

Material and Methods : This is a cross sectional study which its data were collected via students’ examination and interviewing them using a semi structured questionnaire. Obtained results were reported as Frequency (percentages) for qualitative and mean (standard deviation) for quantitative variables. In order to determine the statistical relationship between demographic variables with DMFT, CF and gingivitis, ANOVA and Tukey Test were used. SPSS17 was used for analysis. P<0.05 was considered significant.

Results : The obtained results shows that mean of DMFT was 7.91 (standard deviation = 3.78) in which not-restored decayed teeth had most effect on this indicator. One third of the students have symptoms of gingivitis and only five percent of them had no symptoms of decaying. The survey of relationship between demographic variables with indicators shows that all of the variables except the number of children and birth level with DMFT and CF were significant, therefore except these variables and diary consumption, other assessed variables have significant relationship with gingivitis (P<0.05).

Conclusion : This study indicates that oral health status in surveyed population is not in proper condition and is facing with massive challenges. No doubt, the results of the current study and its suggestions can be helpful for planners and policy makers in health care.

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ePublished: 20 Dec 2014
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