Depiction of Health. 2017;8(3): 193-202.
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Health Information/Library

Review Article

The Research and Education of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice; A Narrative Review

Vahideh Zarea Gavgani 811*
*Corresponding Author: Email: zarehv@tbzmed.ac.ir


Evidence based librarianship (EBL) was defined as “use of best available evidence from qualitative and quantitative research results and rational experience and decisions acquired from the daily practice of library”. However there are controversies about if the nature of EBL deals with library services or professional practice and if it needs a formal education or informal continuing education is enough? To shed light on this ambiguity, the aim of this study was to find out the state-of-the-art of education of EBL in the world.The study utilized library and documentation methods to investigate the academic education of EBL through review of the available literature and websites.The findings of the study revealed that evidence based librarianship does have formal curriculum for academic education in post graduate levels (post master and master). It also revealed that “Evidence Based Approach” (EBA) and “Evidence Based Medicine” (EBM) were also similar courses that are offered in Master and PhD levels.Based on the history and revolution of EBA, it is time to develop formal curriculum and field of study for Evidence Based Information Practice. This study suggests establishment of the academic field of Evidence Based and Information Science to overcome the problems and limitations that library science faces in practice.
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Submitted: 02 Sep 2017
Accepted: 27 Oct 2017
ePublished: 21 Dec 2017
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