Depiction of Health. 2013;4(1): 14-20.
  Abstract View: 1060
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Public Health

Original Article

The Analysis of Maternity Health Program by Using Comprehensive Evaluation Model (CIPPI) – Tabriz, 1389

Hadi Kalantari, Farokh Mojahed, Rana Gholamzadeh Nikjoo, Elham Dadgar, Shokufeh Bagheri, Farid Gharibi*
*Corresponding Author: Email: farid_hc.manager@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: In all health systems, maternity health program has an important role for its great effects. Therefore, the evaluation of this program constantly was at the center of attention of managers and policy makers. The current study aimed to analyze maternity health program by focusing on the evaluation process according to the evaluation comprehensive model (CIPPI) in East Azarbaijan.

Material and Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study and its data were collected by qualitative methods such as observing and interviewing. By evaluating different levels of delivered services, interviewing process owners and customers and reviewing the documents, evaluation process was studied and the results were compared with CIPPI model.

Results: The yielded results from the comparison of this program with CIPPI model indicated that from 24 analyzed items in 5 dimensions of this program, only 5 items were measured completely, 5 items measured partially and 14 items were not measured at all. There were other problems including weaknesses in checklist, standards and during the process of evaluation.

Conclusion: According to the results, it is concluded that the current model of maternity health evaluation program in Eastern Azarbaijan has a notable gap with an ideal evaluation program and the need for a revise of this program according to efficient and effective evaluation models seems necessary.

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ePublished: 26 May 2013
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