Depiction of Health. 2013;4(1): 42-46.
  Abstract View: 702
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Health Information/Library

Review Article

Applications of Total Quality Management in Medical Libraries

Amane Dadashi Mehrabani 251, Leila Mirzapour 252, Mina Mohammadi 253, Vahideh Zarea Gavgani*
*Corresponding Author: Email: Vgavgani@gmail.com


Library is a growing organism. Consistent with social development, the growth of the nations and the impact of technology change, library management and services change as well. This feature of the libraries requires continues renewal in the ways that libraries administrate and manage their performance and services. They need to employ appropriate methods to link the information and knowledge sources with tools and channels that users prefer to use. Total quality management as one of the modern approaches could be utilized in medical libraries to ensure quality in performance and service. This paper reviews the components of TQM and its applications in libraries within available literatures.
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ePublished: 26 May 2013
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